The Box of Shadows | Reference Cards
The Box of Shadows | Reference Cards
The Box of Shadows | Reference Cards is an optional set of 84 physical cards that may be used for the The Box of Shadows Campaign book. Of in general play as item, equipment and character reference.
This is a set of 84 professionally printed tarot cards with a tuck box for storage + a card list. if you own the The Box of Shadows it comes with a digital print and play copy of 46 reference cards.
There is also an additional set of 37 cards that offer lore, story hooks and motivations for all of the characters and creatures in The Box of Shadows campaign book. These are their physical counterparts for those that want quality printed cards art the table.
Paper | 310gsm Black Core Stock
Finish | Satin | 6 Color Process (2 Pantone Inks)
Packaging | Cardboard Tuckbox
Other | 168 unique sides
PDFs | included + VTT Assets for the Box of Shadows
Within you can expect to find the following:
- 84 total cards, fully illustrated and double sided with lots of info on them.
- 46 reference cards that detail and give additional lore and usage for all of the equipment and Scrolls unique to The Box of Shadows Campaign Book.
- 24 character cards all with custom illustration, character secrets and looting info
- 14 creature cards all with custom illustration, Lore, methods for killing them and looting info.
-VTT Friendly handouts for The Box of Shadows
-VTT Friendly Exports of the Equipment and Scrolls cards for The Box of Shadows
-This also includes the VTT Tokens for use your favorite VTT. All Characters and creatures are included with vibrant colors and color coding so its easy to see what is an enemy and what is an ally.
The Box of Shadows Reference Cards is an independent production by Alex K. Barton of newyear Studios and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.
MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.
Copyright © 2021 newyear Studios
(Please note images are for preview only. Actual product may have slight variance)