The Box of Shadows - Deluxe Hardback
The Box of Shadows - Deluxe Hardback
"Hidden within the sprawling depths of Grift, an ancient object resides beneath hovel and market, below sewer and grate. Ashen salt water erodes its prison. Caves bore into the belly of the seaside city, exposing its void-like appearance. The Box Of Shadows grows.
The dry cracked earth of the city now spews a scentless dark black fog. It settles in every crevice. Rumors of this substance taking form and hunting down those that travel without a lamp or torch have become ever more prevalent.
The Citizens of Grift have taken to leaving lamps burning throughout the night. Like children, they huddle together in the light’s warmth, waiting for this darkness to end."
Specification: Hardback Book
Page count | 110
Size | A5
Binding | Smythe Sewn Hardcover Bound
Interior Printing | 6 Color Process (2 Pantone Inks)
End pages: Printed
Paper Stock | Satin Coated 157gsm
Cover Coating | Matte Lamination
Other | Yellow Ribbon Book with screen printed accents
PDF: included
Within you can expect to find the following:
-110 fully designed pages
-167+ Illustrations give or take a few (A unique mashup of Public Domain images and custom illustration work.
-An dreary slog through Grift filled with monsters, miserable people and death
-Special Rules for torches, entering dark spaces and intoxication
-Rich lore for the GM and Players to dig into
-18 locations filled with story to explore
-23 unique characters to interact with
-14 new monsters to get killed by
-10 New unique magical Items
-20 New weapons to cut yourselves with
-13 New scrolls to fail casting
-15 tables of various sizes to generate stuff or get items
-A fun little drinking game for when your sick of rolling new characters
The Box of Shadows is an independent production by Alex K. Barton of newyear Studios and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.
MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.
Copyright © 2021 newyear Studios
(Please note images are for preview only. Actual product may have slight variance)